John Pilger, award-winning investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker. He began his career in journalism nearly half a century ago and has written close to a dozen books and made over fifty documentaries. He lives in London but is in the United States working on a forthcoming documentary about what he […]
Our situation is admittedly dire. Oligarchs are seizing more overt control in most countries in the world, the worldwide economy is on course for another – even bigger – train wreck, countries are cracking down on freedom and becoming more tyrannical, we are in a permanent state of war (and […]
During the economic crisis, the online advertising market took a corresponding dive, a trend that has left sites considering ways to get users to pay directly for content. Traditional print outlets are at the forefront of this trend, led by major sites like The New York Times and various properties […]
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
For many Americans, one of the strongest reasons for accepting the official story about the shocking events of Sept. 11, 2001, is their deep-seated belief in the free press. We are taught from an early age that the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution guarantees us many cherished freedoms, […]
Gilad Atzmon views the historical and cultural roots of Zionist domination of Western politics, especially in Britain and the United States, tracing the Israel stooges’ tools of choice – political donations, think tanks and media control – to the tales of the Book of Esther and Purim. ”If our media […]
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Source: To provide a new and spurious economic looting argument for making the US occupation of Afghanistan virtually endless, and to advance the candidacy of General David Petraeus as the principal neocon warmonger candidate for president on the Republican ticket in 2012 – these are the purposes of the […]