Yes, when even Greenpeace thinks your “Green” plan is loopy, you’re on to a loser! Read On: Alex Newman – The New American Feb 11, 2019 The “Green New Deal” proposed by congressional Democrats is a “recipe for mass suicide” and the “most ridiculous scenario I ever heard,” Greenpeace Co-Founder […]
To much of the world outside the USA, the “Green New Deal” sounds awfully familiar, from mention of the UN’s favourite buzzword “Resiliency”, to utopian images of endless employment, zero pollution and an obsession with railway transportation. It is also rather broad and ill defined. By Martin Harris Those familiar […]
A study claims that up to a quarter of the French population not only believe in a conspiracy of “elites” but also think those same elites are using mass migration to replace European populations. Chris Tomlinson – Feb 7, 2019 The study, released by Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Conspiracy Watch, is […]
Leaders in various industries across the world gathered in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum. The potential benefits and danger of AI was a primary discussion. CNET senior producer Dan Patterson speaks to Ben Goertzel, CEO and founder of SingularityNET, about the future of artificial intelligence. CBS News Published […]
Open Thread on The Christchurch Earthquakes Related material compiled by Martin Harris 9/2/19: Saves all interested readers some searching. It’s all here!
The US was in breach of the INF treaty for years, the Russia’s defense ministry told the summoned US diplomat, calling on the US to destroy cruise missile launchpads, target-missiles and attack drones to return to INF compliance. RTThu, 07 Feb 2019 17:07 UTC The Russian side suggested that the […]
France, one of Europe’s two nuclear powers, said on Tuesday that it had fired a nuclear-capable missile from a fighter jet, while the US and Russia feud over the death of a nuclear treaty that saw Europe purged of most of its weapons of mass destruction during the hair-triggered days […]
Once upon a time, leading Democrats, such as Bill Clinton, wanted abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare.” Given the reality of Roe v. Wade and the unlikely prospect of it ever being repealed, this stance on abortion had been the status quo in America for decades. Brian Joondeph – American […]
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” By Matt Agorist Las Vegas, […]
The latest US Treasury Department data shows that foreign investors slashed their holdings of American debt in November by $105 billion, from a year earlier, to $6.2 trillion. RTFri, 01 Feb 2019 09:36 UTC China, the largest foreign holder of US debt, slashed its holdings for a sixth straight month […]