Frog legs rolled in worm flour could be the next culinary delight for European haute cuisine after the European Union gave its blessing for the first time for an insect food. Aoife White – Anti-Empire June 1, 2021 Dried yellow mealworm can now be sold across the 27-nation bloc after a Monday decision from […]
In their report Towards a Better Democracy, the 1986 Labour Government’s Royal Commission into the Electoral System, not only recommended changing our voting system to MMP, but they raised a number of other important constitutional matters. by Dr. Muriel Newman One that is particularly relevant to our present situation – […]
Hi Folks I am fund raising for my next big story which hope to bring public attention on national scale to the above issues. Ben Vidgen The Dyslexic detective So any one wanting considering chucking me some Koha who wants to know what they are supporting, well I have just […]
In violation of every term of the Constitution of Italy, the Charter of Human Rights of the European Nations, of the UN Charter for Human Rights, and every medical, scientific and religious moral norm, the Sanitary Dictatorship has approved the conversion into law of the Administrative Decree of Mario Draghi’s […]
…and funded by the US. A total NWO job. A commenter on Youtube says: “Remember all the “FACT checker” websites that aggressively shot down the lab theory, suspiciously and without reason? Never forget they persecuted the truth WHEN IT MATTERED MOST. Those websites should be ridiculed endlessly and shut down” […]
I’m a clicker. I click links until the ‘cows come home.’ The information Ms. Webb reveals in her article leaves a trail I cannot help but follow. So I followed and dug further just enough to devastate me more. Then I had to stop. (Joyce Bowen) by Joyce Bowen, This […]
In this special report, we discuss Beijing’s ambition over one of the most sensitive types of data—DNA. The Chinese Communist Party is allegedly collecting DNA around the world through a state-linked company offering COVID-19 testing assistance to other countries—granting it access to people’s biometric data. Bill Evanina, former director of […]
A small, tranquil backwater nation, a trading superpower, and a strategic location with hidden military potential. The opening premise of Star Wars, and Samoa’s real-life situation unfolding. Martin Harris 26/5/21 Star Wars fans cast your minds back to the opening scenes of George Lucas’s prequel Star Wars Episode One, appropriately […]
There are reasons to be skeptical. After decades of stonewalling on the issue, suddenly American military chiefs appear to be giving credence to claims of UFO invading Earth. Finian CunninghamStrategic CultureFri, 21 May 2021 Several viral video clips purporting to show extraordinary flying technology have been “confirmed” by the Pentagon as authentic. […]
The “Cease-Fire” announced yesterday (at 7:00 PM Eastern US Time) between Israel and the Hamas group running the West Bank appears to be short-lived. Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount AGAIN today. Video Below. Hal Turner – The Hal Turner Radio Show May 21, 2021 The […]