The House has predictably voted to send impeachment articles to the Senate concerning Donald Trump. Those responsible for the reversal of opinion in 2018 are the ones who denied themselves from 2016. They gave matches to demonstrable puerile arsonists, who predictably set fire to the Constitution, the legal process, the separation of powers, […]
The totally disengaged Cool Kids Of The Paperless Void, and Government Lifers of The Artifical Intelligence of their sheltered workshops, would have naturally mutated and evolved as the life forms they did, because hordes never listen to the sane. By G Squared 18/12/19 Killing the messenger always kills any message […]
Despite all the additional armoury being accorded the Police, it seems bureaucracy is over-riding the qualities that once earned the respect of the public servants (allegedly) who are here to put the lives of the public first and foremost. Shades of Pike River here folks. Much thanks once again to […]
Why isn’t this on the TV news? Well informed commentary and revelations from NZ’s own Ben Vidgen (and see my comments below regarding a “Blue Beam”/NASA connection) Read Ben’s full article and other great blogs HERE Ben has worked as investigative journalist, researcher and writers for a number of NZ/Australian […]
Meet L Ron Hubbard. He was a hell of a sci-fi author. And quite the puppeteer. Opinion by Martin Harris 13/12/19 Hubbard was also the founder of Scientology. Some people see Scientology as a harmless, wacky cult. Others see it a dangerous organisation. One thing’s for sure: Scientology targets the […]
I would normally follow up “Volcanoes are dangerous” with “No schist Sherlock”… Guest commentary by David Middleton, Iowa Climate Science Then again, I’ve seen idiot tourists crossing safety barriers at Grand Canyon NP and eating a picnic lunch in the forest at Grand Tetons NP – right under a sign […]
Goldberg advised that Polanski was not “Rapey Rapey’. Behar advised that Creepy Joe’s penchant for molesting young women was just him being “A hands on guy”. by G Squared Creepy, now out of the race, was on stage at his recent ‘No Malarkey Tour’, sucking his wife’s fingers, to a […]
Sitting in a Donkey Circus Impeachment Farce with eleven months to a General Election, not one of the four intellectualized moron Law Professors; experts on the Constitution and Impeachment, raised their hand to indicate they found a single impeachable offence. by G Squared 9/12/19 I note also that Karlan and […]
“All The Players In This Great Game Of ‘Gotcha’ Are About To Face The Consequences” JH Kunstler Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, The last time the Democratic Party blew up in a presidential election year was 1860. It had evolved from Jefferson’s 1800 bloc of yeoman farmers to […]
Despite bleating about a “climate emergency”, the UN has failed to put it’s money where it’s mouth is. $4.1 million dollars isn’t going to save the world! by Martin Harris 7/12/19 In the endless series of “indoctrination” movies Hollywood pumps out, everything from hostile extra-terrestrials to asteroids to Mayan prophecies […]