Variety is the spice of life, according to the time-honored saying. Amen to that, I say. It’s always a pleasure to discuss, debate, share, or simply just listen, with folk from all walks of life and all manner of beliefs and cultures. One learns, eventually, that apart from the “consensus” […]
When the solution is worse than the problem by Jon Rappoport January 28, 2019 (To join our email list, click here.) Are there any States in the Union that allow public schools to opt out of providing sex education to children? Of course, a counter-argument would be made that, although […]
Trump postponing SOTU was not recommended. The upstart now believing she won a power play gambit, will become even more insufferable. The loons are not playing with a full deck. For a generation of concerted effort, after manipulation into feminese psychology and the liberal arts of stupidity, emerged by weaponizing […]
“Where will the Children play?” asked Cat Stevens (Yusuf) in his popular song from the 70s. The climate, like the times, is always changing, and as a parent, I ask myself the same question Cat did all those years ago. But discerning the truth about our changing environment and the […]
Sarsour is CIA handler (oops: delete that) of Omar, Tlaib, and Sandy Clueless. All one hit wonders. No less than US puppet Tymoshenko or the absurd ‘Chicciolina’ Ilona Staller. The enduring shame rests with the terminal grand fools who voted them in. Who didn’t know that The Donkey Party and […]
More MSM Censorship: FB is at it again! Lucas Nolan – Breibart Jan 18, 2019 Social media giant Facebook has allegedly refused to allow the upcoming Roe v. Wade film to run advertisements on its platform under the new “issues of national importance” rule, treating the movie as if it were a […]
At last some common sense talk on the Climate Change issue! Dr. Jordan B. Peterson talking about climate change and the empirical evidence on the topic. Subscribe for the best Clips of Jordan Peterson Videos! Full Interview: ___ Jordan Peterson´s YouTube-Channel:… Jordan Peterson´s Podacast:…
“The Rothschilds emerged, controlling All Vatican Finances (to this day) and controlling The Jesuits. The prior Papal and French Monarchy War against The Templars, in 1314, had them loot the resources of The Templars. The thieves in turn being robbed…” Trump, as CiC, visited some of The War Zones expanded […]
Analysis: What really went down today. MUST WATCH! First here’s the full presidential address: Trump at his best! Now here’s the breakdown from BCP, who give a simple common sense interpretation (at least I my opinion; let us know if you think otherwise!) CALM DOWN! HERE ARE THE REAL REASONS WHY TRUMP OFFERED DACA […]
Plausible. Discernment required due to lack of source names (for admittedly legit reasons). As the author says “we shall see!”) Follow me on GAB and Twitter… BitChute… EMAIL: Support me on Patreon: