Sometimes I think the Alt Media is almost as bad as the MSM! Taking statements out of context and blowing them up out of all proportion in an attempt to validate a cherished belief. Whatever happened to impartial objectivity? Take this Buzz Aldrin subject for instance. Now I guess Aldrin […]
Data collection is rampant, and not always in ways one is aware of. All part of the globalist “total control” plan. Not just Social Media and your supermarket shopping, but now your medical data; your genetic data even, is up for sale to Big Pharma, as David Icke elaborates: […]
What are all these sensational Martian revelations all about? I remember that Martian meteorite a few years ago. The one with the “microfossils” embedded in it. It was found in Antarctica, and regardless of what the truth about this controversial rock may have been, I personally thought it seemed like […]
Please read my comments at the end of this item! Martin H NOTHING TO SEE HERE Max de Haldevang July 18, 2018 Russian president Vladimir Putin issued an order yesterday to end the special research status of Shikhany, the secretive town believed by British intelligence to have produced Novichok, a […]
“Tasmania is not the only place in the world where long-term, careful argument has been defeated by short-term economic advantage. When we look round, the time is rapidly approaching when natural environment, natural unspoiled vistas are sadly beginning to look like left-overs from a vanishing world. This vanishing world is […]
Having successfully “broken protocol” with Her Royal Majesty (well, he isn’t a British he?, and the British refused to Kowtow to the Chinese Emperor, didn’t they? So…) Trump now heads the Next Big Showdown. No matter what one think of him, Trump sure knows how to stay in the […]
Most sensible thing our government has said in a long time. Personally I prefer Hydrogen Cell over electric/hybrid for the motor car of the future, so this seems like a positive step. So being a suspicious person I guess there must be something nefarious lurking behind it. “If it seems […]
Yes, he’s in the UK and causing controversy as per norm. Along with likeness in balloon form: Yes, Trump has openly criticised Theresa May, and why not? She’s earned a little criticism. But who has Trump suggested would be the best choice to run (or should that be “ruin”?) […]
As I write this, it’s Thursday the 12th. Quite a significant number, 12. 12 witches in a coven, 12 Apostles. For UFO enthusiasts, there’s MJ12 (Majic 12). Here’s some more examples: Meaning of the Number 12 In fact once one gets into multiples of 12, such as 12×12 (144) it […]
By Martin Harris For years, rumours and stories persisted. Vague stories circulated to the effect that supposedly, the US government had a crashed flying saucer and alien cadavers stashed away at some super-secret facility. This was in the mid 70s. By the end of that decade, the story acquired some […]