Meet L Ron Hubbard. He was a hell of a sci-fi author. And quite the puppeteer. Opinion by Martin Harris 13/12/19 Hubbard was also the founder of Scientology. Some people see Scientology as a harmless, wacky cult. Others see it a dangerous organisation. One thing’s for sure: Scientology targets the […]
A personal account by G Squared 12/12/19 I was present when what became known as The Age Tapes were taken by NSW Police Intel (Remington Bldg. across to The Deputy Commissioner at College St. HQ. He also had THE Intel phone on his desk, which I had cause to access […]
Goldberg advised that Polanski was not “Rapey Rapey’. Behar advised that Creepy Joe’s penchant for molesting young women was just him being “A hands on guy”. by G Squared Creepy, now out of the race, was on stage at his recent ‘No Malarkey Tour’, sucking his wife’s fingers, to a […]
In what’s already being hailed as a defining and explosive “Pentagon papers” moment, a cache of previously classified documents obtained by The Washington Post show top Pentagon leaders continuously lied to the public about the “progress” of the now eighteen-year long Afghan war. By Tyler Durden The some 2,000 pages of notes from […]
Sitting in a Donkey Circus Impeachment Farce with eleven months to a General Election, not one of the four intellectualized moron Law Professors; experts on the Constitution and Impeachment, raised their hand to indicate they found a single impeachable offence. by G Squared 9/12/19 I note also that Karlan and […]
Well, this makes a change from “shock and awe” bombing threat negotiation doesn’t it? RTSat, 07 Dec 2019 21:22 UTC In a reprieve from the usual bellicose rhetoric, President Donald Trump thanked the leaders of Iran for swapping an American prisoner with a detained Iranian scientist. Senior officials, however, told […]
“All The Players In This Great Game Of ‘Gotcha’ Are About To Face The Consequences” JH Kunstler Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, The last time the Democratic Party blew up in a presidential election year was 1860. It had evolved from Jefferson’s 1800 bloc of yeoman farmers to […]
Despite bleating about a “climate emergency”, the UN has failed to put it’s money where it’s mouth is. $4.1 million dollars isn’t going to save the world! by Martin Harris 7/12/19 In the endless series of “indoctrination” movies Hollywood pumps out, everything from hostile extra-terrestrials to asteroids to Mayan prophecies […]
Bill and Hillary Clinton visited billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Zorro Ranch” in New Mexico “a whole bunch of times,” according to former estate workers. Jamie White – InfoWars Dec 3, 2019 The former president was Epstein’s closest “celebrity mate” who visited Epstein’s 10,000-acre compound in the New Mexico desert, said […]
On 29/11/1979, some forty years ago, Thatcher’s Britain was thieved a Billion Pounds of its own money by the EU. by G Squared 12/7/19 I am aware of a claim of some Three Trillion Pounds of The UK’s money that has to date disappeared into the ECB, never to […]