Once upon a time, there was a wicked wizard called The Rocketman, who fired nasty rockets at his enemies. He also had lots of prisoners in his grim dungeon, and once people went into that dungeon, most of them were never seen again. Every now and then, one of these […]
Yes, as all Kiwis are aware, Hillary breezed into town to do a little scaremongering. Here comes the Mainstream story: How Russia and China could ‘hurt New Zealand’ Patrick Gower – Newshub – Tuesday, 8 May 2018 Hillary Clinton has a major warning for New Zealand – beware of […]
There is by now little doubt that The Mueller Commission (formed by Comey, Rosenstein, and McCabe on 17/5/2017) is in desperation mode to justify its existence after a year of idiocy. Attempting to hide The Obama -Clinton Collusions with Russia by trying to fit a fantasy of a Trump Collusion. […]
Full Text of Whitehouse “Fact Sheet”: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-stands-religious-freedom-united-states/ Quote America is a nation of believers, and together we are strengthened by the power of prayer. President Donald J. Trump A VOICE IN THE WHITE HOUSE: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to ensure that the faith-based and community […]
“Knives, Knives, Knives” says Trump. But in the USA it’s guns, guns, guns. Personally I do not believe Trump’s pro-gun argument holds water. What do you think? Martin Here’s the MSM story and a YT Video of the whole speech: By Rebecca Joseph National Online Journalist, Breaking News Global […]
Surprise surprise, Iran. Yawn… Funnily enough I was having a discussion with a family member a couple of days ago about who would be the next “evil villain” now Kim Jong has accepted his Oscar for the role and been reinvented as Mr. Smiley Handshake Man. Iran was the obvious […]
Second story of 28.4.2018 has some interesting material. I doubt if anyone has named the four intel ops. as I have. I doubt if anyone has identified the SVR Fusion GPS Employee who wrote The Steele Dossier as I have. Scanning is interesting except it loses context and substance to […]
24 April, 2018 Hon Sir Michael Cullen, Chairman, The Tax Working Group Secretariat PO Box 3724 Wellington 6140 New Zealand submissions@taxworkinggroup.govt.nz Dear Hon Sir Michael Cullen, cc. All members of The Tax Working Group. ALL MP’s. Re: JOHN PHILLIPS’ SUBMISSION TO THE TAX WORKING GROUP: WHY THE FOREIGN BANKERS’ RORT […]
What’s up with the picture? How did this happen? Just another NWO puppet show… By Martin Harris So one can hardly have failed to notice, but for those who hadn’t: “….It was the first time since the Korean War halted in 1953 that a North Korean leader has come to […]
The current turbulence in The Americanized West is not, “what to do with Russia”, after it has been overly-ventilated that it will not take orders from America, and is misbehaving. It’s the fact that America has led The West up the proverbial, without the proverbial, virtually since the end of […]