Минобороны России Published on Mar 29, 2018 SEE ALSO http://abcnews.go.com/International/russia-tested-nuclear-missile/story?id=54123222
When will this happen? In China, “when” is now:
This is the point of view you won’t hear on the local current affairs show! Putin explains missile defence, election meddling etc “to all the housewives watching”…!! TURN ON ENGLISH SUBTITLES! Subscribe to Russia Insight https://www.youtube.com/c/RussiaInsig… Credit to Kremlin http://kremlin.ru
Xi Jinping look set to be “President for life”. Trump thinks the US should “give it a shot”. Some serious NWO talk right here! Hong Kong (CNN)China is ready to fight the “bloody battle” against its enemies in its determination to take its place in the world, declared President […]
Asked at an impromptu news conference Sunday night if he would seek the presidency again in 2030, when he would be eligible again, the 65-year-old Putin snapped back: “It’s ridiculous. Do you think I will sit here until I turn 100?” http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/vladimir-putin-russia-election-president-expectations-1.4582191 Well. one never knows I guess. The Western […]
Kiwi Chris Liddell gets a top spot with Trump – but what does it mean?
Trump Seems to be still in “The Apprentice” mode! But what potential outcome could result from this latest dismissal? WW3?
If everything goes according to plan, President Trump is expected to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un before the end of May.
Is this the work of Putin, or a British propaganda op? Two weeks out from Russian elections one wonders if Putin would be foolish or audacious enough to do this? Remember the Polonium incident?
“Wanna Check out my missile, Donald?” Wow Vlad, that’s a big one…but mine’s bigger!” Put ’em away boys and get back on your horse! ..and these alleged super weapons are nothing new BTW. Here’s the MSM story: Putin, before vote, unveils ‘invincible’ nuclear weapons to counter West Andrew Osborn (Reuters) […]