Must watch testimony by a team of brave whistleblowers! The Film Archives The Film Archives346K subscribers William Edward Binney is a former intelligence official with the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and whistleblower. He retired on October 31, 2001, after more than 30 years with the agency.He was a […]

It’s time to drop the words “fake news,” “hoax,” and any other descriptor short of blatant and purposeful lies, in reference to Hillary Clinton’s engineering, oversight, and final approval of releasing to the sock-puppet media a preposterous fairy tale that even the worst of armchair sleuths could spot as complete bullcrap. […]

“Documentary on the “alleged” criminal voter fraud and ballot stuffing during the 2020 USA presidential election, which may have changed the legitimate outcome.” Grab yer popcorn and appreciate all the effort that went into bringing a vacant-headed puppet to the Oval Office. Interesting viewing now we’re at the stage where […]

Nuclear threat level hasn’t been this high in decades, and with the military industrial complex investing heavily in nuke technologies on both sides of the conflict centred around Ukraine, the fear-meter is climbing. Russian broadcasters are hyping a nuclear tsunami-bomb threat. Since a tsunami-bomb has been in the works since […]

Is someone using a code? The following is a brief excerpt from a blog-in-progress, and thus part of a bigger picture. I felt it worthy of posting as readers may wish to pursue this matter for themselves. This is just a sample of numerous “88” references with regards Ukraine, and […]

Former TV1 presenter Liz Gunn interviews Winston Peters on the two year trespass notice issued to him recently by Trevor Mallard. A frank and honest discussion that reflects how many NZers are feeling right now about current events and the direction our country is taking. EWR From Pam Vernon at EWR WATCH AT […]
