The recent talks between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have reached a standstill, with the Israeli negotiators refusing to present borders between Israel and a future Palestinian state. [ Israel can’t present its own borders to anyone – because it is constantly expanding them. Outward. This is the root cause of […]
South West Asia
[youtube]g67grWuDmyg[/youtube] Michael Riverio of lays it all out.
Very important video and appropriate with todays Neocon zionist rhetoric wanting war with Iran and Syria. This video shows how and why it is being done. The media plays a very big part in this. [youtube]_cDHenTKCzs[/youtube] In this video we learn how the Neocons have rairoaded, and continue railroading […]
Assad’s popularity, Arab League observers, US military involvement: all distorted in the west’s propaganda war Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favor of Bashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative […]
Two Gaza-bound boats carrying pro-Palestinian activists are within 50 nautical miles of their destination, but reports are emerging that Israeli Navy ships have intercepted the “Freedom Waves to Gaza” flotilla. Communication with the boats has largely been cut off. Prior to losing contact, we received two exclusive video reports from […]
Israel has defied international criticism of its settlement expansion plan in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, regarding it as its fundamental right. [ … and thereby fueling the conflict with the Palestinians ] [youtube]cwTCNGDb95s[/youtube]
… don’t take my word for it …
“There are some scandals that refuse to die either because they are never fully investigated or because those responsible for them never paid the price they should have” – Gideon Levy. ISSUES that should concern everyone, but especially in America have been subverted, degraded, perverted, retracted, eradicated, expunged, obscured, obliterated, […]
[youtube]A6YU2n81erQ[/youtube] Hamza Yusuf
Israel tries to hide the fact that there is dissent here … lots of it ! There are Israelis against the occupation, against illegal settlements, against apartheid and racism … You can see them here