This one is sure to cause some debate. “A more accurate passport system for businesses who support science and safety over discrimination.” Judge for yourself: Watch the video presentations at Facebook: Academic collaboration to find biomarkers of viral defence readiness. This simple blood test will be a warrant of […]

The latest Vaccine Surveillance report from the UKHSA shows a sharp drop in unadjusted vaccine effectiveness against infection (calculated from the raw infection rate data) in 18-29 year-olds, down to minus-75% in the month ending December 19th, from minus-10% the previous week. The Daily ScepticFri, 24 Dec 2021 © UKHSA Omicron slices […]

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, he has expertise in the interpretation of data Guy Hatchard Also by Guy Hatchard: Risk of Myocarditis Following mRNA Vaccination Higher than Risk from COVID Infection A definitive preprint study of 25 December 2021 analysing data from 42,000,000 cases […]

A refreshingly honest yet alarming window into the reality of adverse COVID vaccine reaction hospitalisations, via a rare example of honest MSM! The denial aspect seems to be part and parcel of the whole deal, whatever country you happen to be in. Martin Joel KilpatrickThe Conejo GuardianTue, 14 Dec 2021 […]

We’re sure you can answer the question for yourselves… And its not just athletes collapsing. Do you know someone who collapsed recently after being given a certain vaccine? Share with us in the Comments section below. Thanks again to Nightbreed Bitchute channel. Great source of everything controversial. NIGHTBREED  4610 subscribers

Sometime during October last year, Grant Robertson allegedly signed a negotiated contract with Pfizer for vaccine supply. The content of this contract remains secret and the government has refused to release its terms after OIA requests. However, some Pfizer vaccine supply contracts from other countries have been leaked. Guy David […]

With billions of Pfizer COVID shots having been mandated by governments and administered to citizens around the world, there have of course been millions of adverse events that have occurred. A group of scientists have sent a FOIA request to the FDA to ascertain the approval process of Pfizer’s COVID […]

This story of Maddie de Garay is why… a) young children should not be vaccinated with drugs that haven’t been subjected to long term testing in adults and are proven to be safe b) drug companies should not be trusted to carry out trials on their own drugs given the […]
