Sound familiar, Kiwi readers? MH Prime Minister Scott Morrison has teased fellow Australians with a return to some normalcy by Christmas, provided they vaccinate in large enough numbers and pressure provincial governments to cooperate. RTSun, 26 Sep 2021 The Australian leader hailed his government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic on […]
Citizens in China are being told to treat the USA and the Outside world as the Enemy, they’re being prepared for war whilst we tiptoe around worrying about hurting the feelings of the Chinese government…. Time to wake up serpentza 876K subscribers (please visit the channel, give the video a […]
MUST READ: Top notch article from Ben Vidgen, a real dot-joiner! Not a deep dive but a quick look at Australia recent earthquake history, after I became curious about a number of coincidences. Ben Vidgen Specifically the increased regularity of major earthquakes not usually seen in Australia compounded by the […]
HAARP hasn’t been mentioned in quite some time here at Uncensored, but todays unprecedented shake in Melbourne Australia has surely got to arouse suspicion. Martin Harris 22/9/21 With Victoria deep in the grip of The Lock Step Scenario, and a never-ending cycle of clashes between lockdown protestors and police, and […]
A variety of interconnected topics from our mysterious contributor, G Squared SPREAD THE WORD INTERNATIONALLY. FREE AUSTRALIA THIS PSYCHOPATHIC DICTATORSHIP OF AUSTRALIA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY DISEASE, REAL OR IMAGINED. WAKE UP. —————————————————————– A major False Flag looms. I can’t elaborate here; but I signalled this at least […]
The lotus Eaters express horror at emerging totalitarianism in Australia The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters 204K subscribers You can find the reading lists of each individual podcast episode on our website:… Exclusive video/written content for as little as £5 a month: Subscribe to our other channel – […]
As good as you can understand under police state bullshit… Opinion by G Squared If they believe they are acting lawfully (a misnomer in a police state) they don’t care what you record, as it can only support their narrative. Hiding and lying, as has become endemic in Australia, are […]
“No one is safe under these new laws.” The Australian Senate has passed a controversial law giving new and powerful surveillance powers to law enforcement agencies, including 60 amendments proposed by the House of Representatives. From RECLAIM THE NET, August 30, 2021. By Dan Frieth After The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identity […]
As outlined in the Hal Turner article below from Jon Eisen, (and corroborated by numerous other news sources including MSM) Australian Truckers are planning to bring the nation to a halt and are telling Australian families to be prepared and stock up! The Turner article claims that similar action is […]
One Nation Party co-founder David Ettridge has just released his latest book titled ABOVE THE LAW which exposes a long list of what he describes as deliberate errors by the DPP and Crown Law that led to his imprisonment with Pauline Hanson in 2003. MEDIA RELEASEJune 23rd 2021. ‘I accuse […]