And she sidesteps Rand Paul’s question repeatedly…. BlazeTV 1.44M subscribers WATCH Rand Paul corner Biden’s education nominee on boys competing in girl’s sports:…​ #blazetv​ #randpaul​ #transgender​ ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube!​ ► Join BlazeTV!​ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER:​ Connect with us on Social Media: […]

Roderic O’Gorma, Minister for Children in Ireland, was recently outed as being a deviant pederast. He marched right beside British LGBT rights campaigner Peter Tatchell at Dublin’s Pride march several years ago.  July 10, 2020  Sinead Here are Tatchell’s words from The Guardian – one of the largest newspapers in England, […]

More Police State monstrosity in the COVID World Order: Kidnapping Children of Essential Services workers “for safety”. MH Allie ParkerMedical KidnapThu, 26 Mar 2020 00:00 UTC © FacebookKatie Spencer and her daughters With the amount of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. rising every day, the majority of states […]

Powerful and condemning. Newsroom’s Melanie Reid was on the scene to witness the underhanded behavior, the lies, the deception and the heartbreaking mistreatment of mother and baby. Horrifying to think this takes place in modern day NZ. Thankfully, this documentary and it’s follow ups (which have been shared on Social […]
