This one smacks of psychotronic warfare! Despite China’s denials, it seems someone is using sonic weaponry against US citizens with an alert now extant across China. Perhaps there is a prosaic explanation, but what could it be that apparently singles out only US government employees in China? Here’s the MSM […]
Interesting analysis well worth reading! By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States. A kinder way of putting it would be to say that the […]
Making sense of the MSM reporting. I’ve been watching the Mainstream Media reports today (24 May ’18) regarding the forthcoming (or not?) US/ North Korea summit. A top ranking official (Choe Son Hui) making inflammatory remarks about Pence, nuclear threats…good grief. If one goes by the screaming MSM headlines it’s […]
What’s up with the picture? How did this happen? Just another NWO puppet show… By Martin Harris So one can hardly have failed to notice, but for those who hadn’t: “….It was the first time since the Korean War halted in 1953 that a North Korean leader has come to […]
Was the North Korean test Site “HAARPed?” Reading between the lines of the following report, I’m led to speculate on this possibility. “Tired Mountain Syndrome”? Seriously? The timing of the report’s release, right after DKPR “agrees” to stop testing, seems suspicious. Was Kim Jong given a taste of the ability […]
Now it’s official: The alliance of the Eastern superpowers against the US gives credibility to Putin’s chest beating, But it’s China who makes or breaks him! Here’s the MSM story: Russia and China have pledged to strengthen their bilateral military and political ties as part of a strategic cooperation that […]
The island fortresses are built. The airfields are ready. The harbours are open. All China needs do now is move in the warships and combat jets.
“…allows players to fight against the People’s Liberation Army.” Hmm…wonder why they banned it…?
“We’re not selling submarines, just the parts to build ’em” (instructions included)!
By Martin Harris “Everything is proceeding as foreseen…”