Trump is providing sensational fodder for the MSM yet again: ReTweeting “Far Right” videos to open up discussion about Muslim extremism. Paranoia-mongering or valid concerns? Terror can come from within as well as from outside, regardless of what walls one builds. Should we start “walling” the internet? Novus Ordo […]
China President Xi Jinping hailed a “new era” for China in his speech at a pivotal Communist Party meeting yesterday (Oct. 18), an event that also effectively marks the start of his next five years in power (at least). He actually hailed it no less than 36 times in the […]
Please note: While the information in this article is relevant and noteworthy (otherwise we wouldn’t publish it), some discernment is required: Note that this is essentially an MSM promo for a new book. The Chinese Invasion Threat does appear to a potentially informative read though. Martin H China has […]
The UK needs to protect and care for its own people. It has taken the first step, by extricating itself from The EU Pig Trough and Cesspit. The second stage is to evict and deny all blackmails: American. Polaris was an idiocy, and financial devastation visited on The UK. Neither […]
Land owned by Chinese investors soars tenfold in just a year – and they now own 14 MILLION hectares of Australian property Chinese investors own ten times more Australian land than they did last year More than 2.5%, or 14 million hectares of land, owned by Chinese interests Foreigners own […]
Once upon a time in The West, there were four little Fairy Queens. Nutty: Hillary Clinton. Goody: Marine le Pen. Dumby: Theresa May. Bady: Angela Merkel. They all decided to run for election, believing all the children loved them, and the Big Bad Wolf would protect them. Except for poor […]
An Economic Lesson for China and Russia Paul Craig Roberts Is there anyone in Trump’s government who is not an imbecile? After years of endless military threats against Russia—remember CIA deputy director Mike Morell saying on TV (Charlie Rose show) that the US should start killing Russians to […]
Newshub staff – Newshub – Saturday, 9 September 2017 Former Prime Minister John Key has reportedly sold most of his sprawling Parnell property to a buyer in China. NZME reports Mr Key and wife Bronagh pocketed around $20 million, keeping only around 650 square metres of the original 2340 […]
September 5, 2017 By Nicholas West Step by step, facial recognition has been accepted by the general public for security; its appearance is proliferating at airports and at train stations around the world. With that acclimatization in full swing, facial recognition is also becoming a preference in the name of […]
WASHINGTON (AP) ” The Latest on the North Korea crisis (all times EDT): 12:35 a.m. Chinese state media say President Xi Jinping, in a call with President Donald Trump, said all sides should avoid rhetoric or action that would worsen tensions on the Korean Peninsula. China Central Television on Saturday […]