So WE’LL Run it! United We Stand! The newspapers didn’t want our ad  We tried to place this full page advertisement in the two nationwide Sunday newspapers today (Herald on Sunday & Sunday Star Times). But both of them took soooo long to approve it that they missed their own deadline for inclusion. […]

An ocean of humanity with one voice: “Freedom”! An overwhelming turnout reminds we fighters for freedoms that we are not alone; there are many thousands of us and the number keeps growing. Martin Harris 20/11/21 Once again and this time despite provocation, a peaceful protest. We were warned at the […]

Provisional Pfizer vaccine approvals, Astrazeneca risks, and COVID death figure counts. Listen carefully as Bloomfield speaks. Martin Harris 11/11/21 Mistress Ardern keeps a tight leash when present at the iconic Podium of Propaganda for the daily COVID announcements. I stopped watching these regularly a long time ago, but whenever something […]

Dear Sir Madam 20/10/2021. I am wondering if you would be able to confirm the information on this social media post as correct or not. Good afternoon Ben and thank you for contacting the Parliamentary Information Service.  We suggest you direct this question to the Speaker’s Office for definitive advice . […]

#DefendNZ has officially relaunched today, Sunday 7 November, in order to fight for the protection of vulnerable New Zealanders against the dangers of the End of Life Choice Act (EOLCA). By #DefendNZ. “Some may have wrongly assumed that this debate was over now that the EOLCA has come into force, when […]
