The Christchurch event two weeks back was huge. Lets make this one bigger! Events at major centres around the country: Make your voice count! Note that the two events I have attended where both peaceful and family friendly, let’s do our utmost to keep it that way. Martin Coverage of […]

So WE’LL Run it! United We Stand! The newspapers didn’t want our ad  We tried to place this full page advertisement in the two nationwide Sunday newspapers today (Herald on Sunday & Sunday Star Times). But both of them took soooo long to approve it that they missed their own deadline for inclusion. […]

An ocean of humanity with one voice: “Freedom”! An overwhelming turnout reminds we fighters for freedoms that we are not alone; there are many thousands of us and the number keeps growing. Martin Harris 20/11/21 Once again and this time despite provocation, a peaceful protest. We were warned at the […]

Provisional Pfizer vaccine approvals, Astrazeneca risks, and COVID death figure counts. Listen carefully as Bloomfield speaks. Martin Harris 11/11/21 Mistress Ardern keeps a tight leash when present at the iconic Podium of Propaganda for the daily COVID announcements. I stopped watching these regularly a long time ago, but whenever something […]
