From Jeff Wefferson: This unprecedented naval ‘war game’ in Auckland harbour brought U.S. warships for the first time in over 30 years and with them the ‘next generation’ of geo-physical/planetary weaponization technologies. The entire scenario of this quake bore an uncanny resemblance to the quakes that destroyed Christchurch in February […]

The Turnbull Government has lost its one-seat majority after the High Court ruled Barnaby Joyce’s election invalid because of his New Zealand citizenship. Mr Joyce will now face a by-election. The court also found former Greens senators Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters were not validly elected, along with One Nation’s […]

Police have used blood samples taken from people at birth to solve crimes and identify bodies. Since 2006, police have been able to use blood “spot samples” taken from people at birth to get DNA samples under an agreement with the Ministry of Health.     The “heel prick tests” […]
