Following an intense wave of backlash, the Coca-Cola Company has suspended an aggressive “diversity” plan that called for anti-white racial quotas and other racist initiatives. Ethan Huff – Natural News May 8, 2021 The change was made almost immediately after Coke’s former general counsel Bradley Gayton abruptly resigned last month after less […]
Great advice for those struggling to argue logically and objectively against the illogical and subjective convictions of the “Cancel Culture” Critical Theory brigade. MH Grace DanielThe American MindMon, 03 May 2021 Wherever, however, don’t back down… Most “cancel culture” stories are brutal and alarming. It seems no one is safe […]
Hollywood stars get Swag-bags containing $250,000 worth of “goodies” as they pontificate about poverty and inequality. Sick. Sad. Hypocritical. Oscars go Woke, and unpopular. MH. Sky News Australia 1.5M subscribers Virtue signalling has replaced meritocracy at the Oscars, an event which reminds us “how far we have slid into madness,” […]
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says “we have evidence that woke politics is making the west desperately weak” after New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister refused to criticise China on COVID-19’s origins or on the treatment of Hong Kong and its activists. “As I’ve said before, New Zealand is selling out […]
In their quest to change Western culture, Black Lives Matter and ‘Woke Twitter’ are redefining racism to weaponize the charge against anyone they choose. It’s a dishonest tactic that lets them get away with their own bigotry. Micah CurtisRTTue, 14 Jul 2020 Racism is an evil thing. People who are […]
Witch hunts, excommunication and iconoclasm are back with a vengeance. Dominic FrisbySp!kedMon, 29 Jun 2020 How much of what went on in the Middle Ages and early-modern periods do we look back on with abhorrence and a certain amount of perplexity? Burning witches at the stake, lynch mobs, self-flagellation – […]