Please take a look at the big picture: Japan expects quakes, but especially note the activity in Russia (see link and comment below) Simultaneously, we have two typical “HAARP” quakes (10kms depth) in the Ural Mountains, Russia: a VERY unusual place to have seismic activity. Is there […]
LOS ANGELES SKYWATCH PRESENTS: Geoengineering: The Global Military Programs You Haven’t Heard About Presented by Elana Freeland The chemtrails whitening the skies around the world are only a hint of vast military programs being carried out globally. Are they about ameliorating global warming and climate change? Or are they about […]
My family and I are keen users of Coconut oil. It’s important to distinguish between “high in saturated fat” and “poison”! It has many more uses besides consumption. My partner suffers hand dermatitis which no pharma med could cure, but C. oil works superbly. it’s also great swilled in the […]
Austrian oil and gas company OMV has told a hearing in New Plymouth that trace amounts of harmful chemicals it wants permission to discharge into the sea off Taranaki will have little effect on the environment. Robin Martin, Reporter (Radio NZ) A drilling rig off the coast of Taranaki Photo: […]
The NWO at work: As America continues it’s inward focus (“Make America Great Again”) financial government aid to the outside world dries up. Trump is fulfilling his election promise, plain and simple. I don’t recall him saying he would make the world at large “Great Again”, just his own turf! […]
Is this the real “2001” monolith? (it was a pyramid in the original story) or just a process flaw? Interesting synchronicity of timing considering my current researches: Mysterious structure on the Moon Marcelo Irazusta Published on Aug 27, 2018 A strange elevation of hundreds of meters in the middle of […]
I nearly cried laughing at this one. As a car enthusiast, I’d say this looks like the notoriously poorly manufactured 70’s era Lada (a car renowned for handling like a dinosaur with it’s backside on fire), that got handed to one of those “reality” car shows who attempt to make […]
Chinese investment in Africa could create national economies ‘entirely dependent on China’, say experts ‘These firms come under the guise of partnership, but this rhetoric, combined with genuine short term benefits masks longer term problems’ “Infrastructure projects create jobs, provide an opportunity for skills development and the transfer of new […]
That’s not so far away, and requires a new super powerful launch system! The Gateway moniker rouses my interest. Possible connection to Christchurch NZ Gateway (Mars Mission training in Antarctica)? Here’s the article from Futurism: See Also
The End Is Nigh-ish..again. I would suggest using discernment and caution with this report, but it is interesting nevertheless! Apocalypse computer predicts end of the world – and it’s just a few years away THE world will end in 2040 as over-population and pollution choke the world – according to […]