With the death toll now over 800 and still rising and cries for help amid the rubble, serious questions are being asked about the lifting of the Tsunami warning. Really, after the tragedy of 2004, even with “data available”, surely caution and common sense overrides haste? Apparently not. What’s that […]
A sliver of bone from a cave in Russia is at the centre of what may be the biggest archaeological story of the year. By Michael Marshall, New Scientist A sliver of bone from a cave in Russia is at the centre of what may be the biggest archaeological story […]
384 dead at the time of posting this info. Tragic. An initial tsunami warning was lifted following the 7.5 mag, 10km depth ‘quake: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/world/2018-09-28-tsunami-warning-lifted-after-major-quake-strikes-off-indonesia/ Big mistake. Nothing learned from 2004? https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2018/09/indonesian-tsunami-s-moment-of-impact-captured-on-video.html Indonesian earthquake: At least 384 killed after 7.5 magnitude quake causes tsunami …a picture that needs no words… https://youtu.be/XUuTX0XeeZ8 […]
Has the world gone mad? Well, yes, apparently. The Beach Boys classic “Good Vibrations” springs to mind: Pregnant women who like the idea of playing music to their unborn babies can now do so through a brand new gadget: a vaginal speaker. https://youtu.be/Bv0YB_XnnR0 company Babypod has created a small pink […]
Both speeches worth watching in their entirety. Trump the Nationalist “Putting America First” as he promised. Ardern promoting, essentially, a Globalist message, yet embracing Te Reo and NZ pragmatism. (And she didn’t join in the laughter at Trump’s opening remarks). A real contrast and both speeches valid and impressive (whether […]
https://youtu.be/dV1taq9dsYA Edge Of Wonder ( Ben and Rob) have a knack of presenting “heavy” material in a manner that is easy to digest for newbies and laypersons, yet meets the criteria of the cognisent and seasoned researcher. There is a whole series of these “Deep State” themed presentations and they […]
“Do watch this latest shocking Newshub video just released (on the link below), showing Mr Dean Dunbar, the father of one of the 29 victims killed, alleging the NZ Police and Government deliberately caused the 2ND Explosion on 24th November 2010 which sealed the fate of the 29 miners by […]
The Save Our Landlines campaign is asking for people to take action TODAY against the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Bill which has passed its second reading. Save Our Landlines NZs website is www.saveourlandlines.nz and the campaign’s position is that the bill should be withdrawn and redrafted so that it […]
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any murkier. Why shut down the whole town of Sunspot for this? Unless this is more than just one individual: Child porn ring? Or is this another cover story? Be sure to checkout Tyler’s other featured items especially the Saturn footage! NONE Of […]
Could this report be true? Read the article and documentation: It’s credible! Martin’s Note: When I first read this report, I did a double-take, the backtracked and re-read it several times. Please use discernment and note use of personal opinions and speculation (however credible) by the author. And remember “if […]