What exactly was that in the night sky over Wall Township on St. Patrick’s Day? Was it a UFO, or was it something else? Jeff Wallace, 43, of Wall, would sure like to know. He was driving to pick up his stepdaughter from the Quick Chek on Belmar Boulevard that […]
Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson are packing their bags for Downing Street, as Theresa May, Amber Rudd, Gavin Williamson, and Boris Johnson, are having a secret meeting, to determine if their combined IQs can reach a double digit. Johnson of course being unbelievable at least since his Aid flights to […]
Analysis – To outsiders New Zealand foreign policy must look like a riddle wrapped in a mystery, perhaps clear only to the enigmatic deputy Prime Minister and New Zealand First leader Winston Peters.
Ever feel like something that should have called for champagne and cigars just felt a little anticlimactic?
Nerve Agents, Food Poisoning, and Pesticides give similar initial symptoms. Gerhard Schrader of I.G.Faben (1936) had reserached and developed; Sarin (1936) (VX) and Tabun(1938). He continued the research and developement into Organophosphates when he transferred to Bayer. Although Tabun had been used in WWI. Further development produced Soman (1944) and […]
Russian warships loaded with tanks have been spotted leaving Turkish waters headed for Syria. It comes as the world awaits Vladimir Putin’s response to airstrikes on Assad’s chemical weapons programme carried out by the US, UK and France.
“Now, I truly believe that we must come to terms with nature, and I think we are challenged as mankind has never been challenged before to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves.The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities […]
‘The US and its allies struck civil and military facilities in Syria, violating the UN Charter and international law, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, responding to the American-French-British intervention in Syria.
In Sept. 2018, a repeat circus is to occur. Congress is again required to pass The Government Appropriation Bills. Expect grand theatrics from The Democrats and the insincere RINOs in the leadup to The 6/11/2018, Mid Term Elections.
Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports Posted by Celeste McGovern Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single […]