Watching TV One News tonight, the reporting bias was (as expected) disgusting. Great show was made of Trump’s former association with Epstein, but no mention of Trump cutting ties with the convicted pedophile several years ago. NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of Epstein’s ties with the Clintons. Shame on you TVNZ! Earlier […]
Facebook has shut down the “Storm Area 51” event page which had attracted over two million UFO enthusiasts… under the pretext of violating ever-elusive “community standards” Date: August 8, 2019 Author: Nwo Report Source: RT News Back in July a tongue-in-cheek facebook event was created inviting people to a raid on […]
A collection of satanic pics from the music industry. One-eye Illuminati symbolism dominates as usual! MH Vigilant Citizen – Aug 6, 2019 In this edition of SPOTM: Rose McGowan, Rihanna, Iggy Azalea, Millie Bobby Brown, Adam Lambert and more irrefutable proof that the entertainment industry is owned by a sick, […]
Judging by his supposed activity on Twitter, the Dayton shooter appears to have held views opposite to those of the El Paso gunman from hours earlier. A now-suspended account, allegedly his own, implies he was a die-hard leftist. RT – Aug 5, 2019 Judging by his supposed activity on Twitter, […]
Back in 2015, onstage at the annual CPAC conference, Trump said something very interesting about Bill Clinton. “Nice guy,” he said. “Got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein. Lot of problems.” Michael Van Der Galien – PJ Media July 10, […]
Must Read! From Vicky Davis at The Technocratic Tyranny, with my humble thanks. Superb research and detail. MH Rise of the Socialist International Posted By: Vicky Davis The difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact is to be able to prove what is being said by providing the […]
We’ve been reporting the agenda for years, and now it’s formalized. Post-quake Christchurch belongs to the UN New World Order. How so? Martin Harris 2/8/19 Immediately after the 2011 quake that devastated the CBD and large portions of the Eastern suburbs, the government stepped in and purchased the “Red Zone” […]
Comparing the treatment of Jeffrey Epstein to Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed Eric Garner’s murder, reveals the grotesque inequality at the heart of American society. There’s one set of rules for the rich, and an entirely different set for the poor. Hide Out Now – Jul 2019 Late Wednesday […]
On Monday, the Washington Post reported that Huawei had been secretly working in North Korea on various communication projects, including building and maintaining the country’s wireless network Source: Huawei’s work has been in direct violation of the sanctions imposed on North Korea because of its nuclear weapons activity. The […]
The British counterpart of Yale’s Skull and Bones? Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club has spawned a rogue’s gallery of Elite movers and shakers over the years, and has a dark reputation. Now an embarrassment to many of the luminaries posing in self-important swagger, we thought this was an apt moment to […]