Could this report be true? Read the article and documentation: It’s credible! Martin’s Note: When I first read this report, I did a double-take, the backtracked and re-read it several times. Please use discernment and note use of personal opinions and speculation (however credible) by the author. And remember “if […]

CHINA’S chilling dictatorship is moving quickly to introduce social scorecards, in which all citizens will be monitored 24/7 and ranked on their behaviour. dumbbell33 Published on Sep 18, 2018 COMING,.. TO A DYSTOPIA NEAR YOU….If you let it…………… The Communist Party’s plan is for every one of its […]

“With no jail time for executives and half a trillion in post-crisis profits, the big banks have made out like bandits during the post-crash period.” September 11, 2018 at 10:16 pm Written by Jake Johnson (CD) — The 2008 financial meltdown inflicted devastating financial and psychological damage upon millions of […]

I was first alerted to this strange event in Sunspot, NM by Tyler at Secureteam10 YT channel. It’snow making waves in the MSM. Here’s the story via Gizmodo and Secureteam’s vid:   This Is How It Starts: FBI Suspiciously Locks Down, Evacuates Solar Observatory in New Mexico Jennings Brown This […]

Jon Rappoport bravely addresses a vital and controversial topic that should be of concern to all parents. What sort of world our children live in if the “Trans Gender Agenda” proceeds unchecked, unquestioned and unchallenged? “Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the dysphoria (distress) a person experiences as […]
