If you want to get to the source of an agenda, “follow the money”. Millions of dollars to chlorinate the Christchurch water supply, and millions more to get rid of it, and in the thick of it all an innocuous sounding organization that’s anything but impartial. And the sickening part […]
Andrew Cheetham Daividicke.com I give the ultra-Zionist Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) the opportunity to say publicly that the third party or parties with the name/names censored here don’t involve them or any of their officers in any way. References to the censored name/names in terms of (Exempt – Sections 31 […]
“UA MAU KE EA O KA ‘ĀINA I KA PONO ” LIESBET VERSTRAETEN, MEMORY ISLAND AOTEA, JUNE 2012 Greetings and welcome to this radio-free On the Brink Special Report. I apologize for this email being almost 48 hours ‘late’…this was the first weekend since December 2012 when I haven’t had […]
This one smacks of psychotronic warfare! Despite China’s denials, it seems someone is using sonic weaponry against US citizens with an alert now extant across China. Perhaps there is a prosaic explanation, but what could it be that apparently singles out only US government employees in China? Here’s the MSM […]
Many a sinister conspiracy theory exists with regard to the true rulers of our world. But did you know that ownership of most of it can be traced to just FOUR mega-corporations of which you’ve probably never heard? http://www.ba-bamail.com/content.aspx?emailid=29883 People are slowly catching on to the fact that the world […]
With Uncensored’s current mag issue featuring controversial lunar images, this latest presentation from Tyler is right on cue. Enjoy: secureteam10 Published on Jun 6, 2018 Could it be that our moon is in fact hollow or at least riddled with hidden tunnel systems? Even a space station of sorts? What […]
“The naive radicals think that under Socialism the ‘people’ will run everything. Actually, it will be a clique of Insiders in total control, consolidating and controlling all wealth. “ by Jon Rappoport May 31, 2018 In several recent articles (all here under category: socialism), I’ve exposed the myth that socialism […]
The same company that claimed it fired Roseanne Barr for “racist” Tweets, has a history of hiring convicted pedophiles and giving them access to children. By Jack Burns – June 1, 2018 The cancellation of the series “Roseanne,” and the public firing of Roseanne Barr have created a media firestorm, […]
Personally I feel sorry for all those workers behind the scenes on “Roseanne” who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. I suspect that this whole cancellation deal could have been engineered in order to sabotage a family oriented “blue collar” show. Here’s Mark Dice’s take on the […]