Source: Even Willy Wonka might struggle to use this much chocolate. Yesterday, somebody bought 241,000 tonnes of cocoa beans. The purchase was enough to move the entire global cocoa market, sending the price to the highest level since 1977, and triggering rumours and intrigue in the City. It is […]
Really can’t wait until TVNZ ditches its One Network News sponsor so I can finally start hearing some more interesting factoids on the banks… … like ‘how much money flows out of the country everyday ‘ & financial discussions could finally include statements such as: ‘Should most New Zealandic banks […]
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski July 5, 2010 ( – A news release from Google says that the mega-search engine company will begin paying its homosexual employees more than their heterosexual counterparts. Citing a tax law that says health insurance benefits paid to civil partners of homosexual employees are considered taxable income, […]
Provocateurs and police terror at the G20 summit in Toronto This video has been featured as the “website of the day” on Counterpunch. 1500 views in two days, so I think it has viral potential. That would certainly be a good thing since a poll just came out claiming […]
Source: recently had the pleasure of talking with Dr. James David Manning who has been ministering to the people of Harlem since 1981. He is now the Senior Pastor at ATLAH which stands for All the Land Anointed Holy, Manning’s inspired name for Harlem as of September 14, 1991.
In my opinion and in a word: Yes! Headlines: “READY FOR WAR,” “U.S. Military told to get ready in Korea Standoff, Obama orders commanders to prepare ‘to deter future aggression.’” By Drudge and MSNBC “U.S. Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In […]
While the international boycott against apartheid South Africa is credited with leading to the regime’s downfall, here it is considered irrelevant and unworthy of comparison. Most people here are appalled at the notion that anybody beyond Israel’s borders would think to boycott their country, products or universities. Boycotts, after all, […]
During the Bubble when it seemed like everyone was going to get rich, people tend to let a lot of things slide. During a serious economic downturn, like the one we’re at the beginning of, people tend to wake up in large numbers. For example, it’s unlikely this video would […]
Many folks still don’t get it. There was a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico in August of 2005. It caused huge damage in Mississippi but very MODEST damage in New Orleans. What catastrophically damaged New Orleans was flooding caused by the failure of the federal levee system – an […]