Meet L Ron Hubbard. He was a hell of a sci-fi author. And quite the puppeteer. Opinion by Martin Harris 13/12/19 Hubbard was also the founder of Scientology. Some people see Scientology as a harmless, wacky cult. Others see it a dangerous organisation. One thing’s for sure: Scientology targets the […]
Corporate Corruption
A personal account by G Squared 12/12/19 I was present when what became known as The Age Tapes were taken by NSW Police Intel (Remington Bldg. across to The Deputy Commissioner at College St. HQ. He also had THE Intel phone on his desk, which I had cause to access […]
Goldberg advised that Polanski was not “Rapey Rapey’. Behar advised that Creepy Joe’s penchant for molesting young women was just him being “A hands on guy”. by G Squared Creepy, now out of the race, was on stage at his recent ‘No Malarkey Tour’, sucking his wife’s fingers, to a […]
Lies for Cash= Fraud! In the wake of the recent revelation we published about the United Nations running out of cash, this piece from Iowa Climate Science Education is highly relevant: It’s certainly no misperception that global warming alarmists have become far more shrill over the past months with ever […]
In what’s already being hailed as a defining and explosive “Pentagon papers” moment, a cache of previously classified documents obtained by The Washington Post show top Pentagon leaders continuously lied to the public about the “progress” of the now eighteen-year long Afghan war. By Tyler Durden The some 2,000 pages of notes from […]
Last week (November 27th), at a press conference, Jeremy Corbyn unveiled dozens of leaked documents. Documents showing that Boris Johnson – and the Tories in general – are lying when they say there are no plans to open up the NHS to US trade. Kit Knightly — Dec This […]
Despite bleating about a “climate emergency”, the UN has failed to put it’s money where it’s mouth is. $4.1 million dollars isn’t going to save the world! by Martin Harris 7/12/19 In the endless series of “indoctrination” movies Hollywood pumps out, everything from hostile extra-terrestrials to asteroids to Mayan prophecies […]
Russia holds the largest reserves of OIl and Natural Gas in the world. Forget The Seven Sisters, Saudi Aramco, Qatar, Venezuela, or any of the names tutored through media platforms and history texts, since The British marched into Saudi Arabia. This is a totally new scale of size. by […]
Six degrees of separation? With the Elite and the Mainstream Media it seems considerably less! Yes, Gavin Newsome, Is Nancy Pelosi’s Nephew. And Yes, Adam Schiff’s Sister Is Married To George Soros Son. And Yes, John Kerry’s only child, Daughter, Is Married To A “Mullah’s Son In Iran………… And remember […]
Jennifer Jaynes, USA Today bestselling author of Malice and other novels exposing the vaccine deep state, was found shot to death on Monday, November 25th, according to media reports (see links below). Jaynes was a celebrated author whose books achieved USA Today bestseller status. Her novels showcased the criminality, child […]