Look at it this way. The kid doesn’t have to pay for drugs out of his pocket. He gets them in a shrink’s office. Insurance covers it. by Jon Rappoport October 11, 2018 His parents may be able to work a Social Security disability claim and receive $$ and […]
Corporate Corruption
As my Inbox bulges with messages from various sources proclaiming financial Armageddon looming and what I should do with my money/shares/investments (all 10 cents worth of it…) I thought it a good time for some balance and perspective. Looks like the worst is over (for now) however the situation will […]
The Great Pre-Midterm Purge Has Begun… Just in time for midterms, Facebook has removed 559 pages and 251 accounts they claim have been spreading misinformation and spam. Several of the pages however – some with millions of followers, were pro-Trump conservatives who had spent years cultivating their followings. By […]
Very impressive presentation, a “Must Watch” video. (These guys never fail to earn my respect). https://youtu.be/3xYgcTCRt8E Edge of Wonder Published on Oct 9, 2018 Subscribed 103K Water is life. Water is power. Water has become the new oil. Sadly, it’s becoming an increasingly scarce resource across the globe through overuse […]
Do you get a sense, that something is wrong like that dissonance, that does not belong By Rudy Avizius OpEdNews Op Eds 10/9/2018 As we move through the journey of life, many people are experiencing a sense of dis-ease, that something is off-kilter, that the narratives we are receiving do […]
Cameras, cameras, everywhere: They’re all jumping aboard the Big Brother bandwagon, This one is the most controversial yet! Michael Liedtke and Barbara Ortutay, AP Technology Writers, Associated Press •October 9, 2018 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Facebook is launching the first electronic device to bear its brand, a screen and camera-equipped […]
We signed up for the One Belt One Road Initiative; Here’s our One Road (and no doubt the first of many); NZ’s first Chinese-owned road could be in the pipeline A Chinese construction company has offered to build a long-planned four-lane toll road north of Auckland. Auckland Business Chamber’s […]
Fascinating and highly concerning documentary about the Military-Industrial microwave health danger cover-up and an enduring EMF mystery! Truthstream Media Published on Oct 1, 2018
If you only read ONE Alternative News article this year, it should be this one. Like the story of the One Ring that rules them all, this is the story of how One Group financially enslaved the world and now rules us all. Today, public money is in the […]
…global warming could very well be “the biggest scam of modern times.” Wisdom Land Published on Aug 19, 2018 The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against […]