Provisional Pfizer vaccine approvals, Astrazeneca risks, and COVID death figure counts. Listen carefully as Bloomfield speaks. Martin Harris 11/11/21 Mistress Ardern keeps a tight leash when present at the iconic Podium of Propaganda for the daily COVID announcements. I stopped watching these regularly a long time ago, but whenever something […]

An ominous parallel between the day of the Christchurch mosque attacks and a Covid lockdown in China. Martin Harris 4/11/21 This author well remembers the day of Brenton Tarrant’s attack on two Christchurch mosques, March 15 2019, a few months before Covid would dominate the News. The narrative being immediately […]

The following is from The Guardian, a reputable British Mainstream News outlet that has proven to be surprisingly honest and impartial of late. Read and share with your delusional friends who think Doctor Pfizer’s Magical Elixir has saved them from COVID. People who are fully vaccinated against Covid yet catch […]

A New Zealand Law professor thinks that fascism, discrimination and interference with the Bill of Rights appear to be legally sound and justified. NewstalkZB reports: The Government’s new Traffic Light System appears to be watertight from a legal point of view. Under the new system announced on Friday, people who […]

A Perfect Storm is brewing. The End of Life Choice Act will come into force in New Zealand From Sunday 7th November, New Zealanders will be able to start requesting to have their lives ended by assisted suicide or euthanasia. Simultaneously, a “No jab no Job” policy is creeping into […]
