As the owner of a well-worn and frequently referenced copy of Jim Marr’s epic UFO overview book, ALIEN AGENDA, I was saddened to hear of his passing. Perhaps Jim’s spirit/soul is now in a place where all the answers are revealed? Martin H. MichaelVara A native of Fort Worth, Texas, […]
Editor’s Comment
Source: Sex robots could soon be used to keep the elderly company in care homes and help couples enjoy long distances sexual relationships, the Foundation for Responsible Robotics (FRR) has said. There are currently four manufacturers making life-like robotic dolls worldwide, but experts predict that in coming decades they […]
No doubt everyone’s heard the MSM story by now, and the astute will note the sketchy details, with plenty of speculation and use of guarded wording. Is this a false flag, or a real potential terror event that was foiled? Either way it’s certainly seems well timed for the NWO […]
While Uncensored is in the business of presenting sensational or controversial news items and topics, we do our utmost to check out everything that comes our way, and the old adage applies, that if it seems to good to be true, then it probably is. And don’t forget […]
Ever heard of an honest politician? Interesting times are these. If you believe the MSM spin, honest politicians are the norm! Meddling in a democratic election process,? Gasp! Horror! Surely not! Take the current situation with the media reporting on the Trump Junior scandal. Oh, he should have gone straight […]
I’m sure plenty will be having a crack at captioning this image of three smiling Trumps and a rather grumpy Looking Pope Francis. Let me have a go: “Nobody told me it was a Black Dress Event!” Commentators have noticed the apparent difference from PF’s meeting with prior dignitaries, […]
The Telegraph By Telegraph Reporters Russia ‘can launch tsunami against US with nuclear bombs buried in ocean’ A retired Russian colonel has made outlandish claims that Moscow has planted nuclear missiles off the east coast of America that could trigger a tsunami if detonated. The far-fetched plans were outlined by Viktor […]
As I’m sure you all know by now, North Korea’s latest firecracker launch was an abject failure. Nothing new there. But….. What’s all this about “mystery” and “unknown type of missile”. And Trump “uncharacteristically quiet”. Now, the first thought that occurs to me when each of these launches fails, is […]
….This Is My Take On The Situation: America had a choice. That is, unless you believe the “choice” is nothing but a charade. But, charades and hacking accusations aside, the People chose. Do you choose the same old, same old, in the form of the apparently psychopathic Hillary, who wants to […]