China has been telling the world that its brutal lockdowns in service of reaching zero covid cases have largely been effective. But China is also changing the definition of the “zero” in zero covid to better align with the uncomfortable reality that covid-19 cannot be arrested or suppressed into extinction. […]
Report from the MSM: Personally I think arresting Tamaki will make a “martyr” of him. Tamaki thrives on publicity and I have little doubt he will turn this to advantage. Martin Brian Tamaki has been remanded in custody for 10 days after his bail application was refused. by Rachel Sadler […]
This is a “must watch” speech from Peterson. This is the Peterson I remember. A man of fire and courage. A man of inspiration and stirring words. I’ve missed this man. Welcome back Jordan Peterson. Martin It’s mid January, 2022. I wrote this column this week for one of Canada’s […]
Japan drops mandates and Supreme court win in the US. Celebrate these wins, share the news and bring HOPE to NZ and Australia! MH JAPAN HAS DROPPED MANDATES By The Remnant News Paper | Press Release First, Japan’s health ministry acknowledged the growing rate of heart inflammation among the vaccinated population. Then […]
Just keeping everyone informed. Defend your Freedoms ! Note the venue change; The Freedoms & Rights Coalition The change of venue is necessary for a couple of reasons: 1) Many from around the whole North Island are travelling to this event, so South Auckland is a bit closer for those […]
Many parents throughout New Zealand are grappling with uncertainty surrounding the government’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine rollout for 5-to-11-year-olds and the ongoing 12-plus rollout. For those of you who are thinking of writing to your school to seek clarity on whether the school intends to hold vaccine clinics and […]
A handy if frightening resource the next time you engage in debate about the honesty of our leader and her Government. Thanks to Guy Hatchard for this compilation and research. Martin by Guy Hatchard The Government should be your single source of truth September 4th 2020 PM Jacinda Ardern in […]
In this COVID era the saying ‘No Jab, No Job’ has become common place around New Zealand and around the world. But Sarah Carter’s story is different. Her story is one of ‘Jab, No Job’. By Peter Drew Sarah’s story is worth listening to whether you are jabbed or un-jabbed, and whether […]
An awesome start to the year’s protest actions. And a surprise speaker! The weather was kind and so were the people. Freedoms and Rights representatives from various parts of the country took the stage, and an emotional speech from Ashleigh, the brave partner of Rory Nairn (see this link). And […]
And why is Google rushing to change and debunk the definition while deleting the relevant interviews? Watch this… The Hill1.45M subscribers Kim Iversen explains what “mass formation psychosis” is. YOUTUBE CENSORS AND REMOVES JOE ROGAN INTERVIEWS WITH ROBERT MALONE AND PETER MCCULOUGH: Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone taken […]