The Christchurch event two weeks back was huge. Lets make this one bigger! Events at major centres around the country: Make your voice count! Note that the two events I have attended where both peaceful and family friendly, let’s do our utmost to keep it that way. Martin Coverage of […]

COVID-19: The restaurants refusing to take part in traffic light system and check vaccine certificates Some New Zealand businesses say they won’t be asking for customers to present COVID-19 vaccine certificates when the traffic light system comes into effect. On Friday, New Zealand will move to a new system of […]

Enter Omicron. No, that’s not the new head of the Decepticons. It’s the new strain of Covid out of South Africa that is causing a hullabaloo. By Daisy Luther All around the world, people are getting fed up with draconian measures undertaken in the name of public safety. Although we’re not […]

Have you heard the news!? Scientists have detected a ‘nu’ variant of SARS-CoV-2 that ‘may’ cause worse forms of Covid-19. Sott.netSun, 28 Nov 2021 But fear not! The WHO has advised governments to jack up “surveillance, testing and reporting” on virus transmission, limiting international travel and “recommending” ever more boosters […]

Celebrate every victory and build on it, people! Here’s an encouraging update from Rebel News on the draconian punishment of activist Pastor Artur Pawlowski: ► | Help fund the fight for Pastor Artur’s civil liberties Ezra Levant shares news of a huge legal win: the Alberta Court of Appeal has […]
