The Christchurch event two weeks back was huge. Lets make this one bigger! Events at major centres around the country: Make your voice count! Note that the two events I have attended where both peaceful and family friendly, let’s do our utmost to keep it that way. Martin Coverage of […]
Mandatory Covid Vaccine
Oh thank you Aunty Cindy. I’m soooo grateful for your permission to utilise my friend’s bathroom facilities. I’ll be sure to think of you while I’m on the loo engaged in my business. Love from your adoring fan, Martin. Don’t you love the premise that she had the power to […]
Thousands of comments highlighting severe after-effects post-Pfizer Vaccination get posted to Jacinda Ardern’s account…then quickly deleted. Fortunately Qthecrowd made a video record for your information.
COVID-19: The restaurants refusing to take part in traffic light system and check vaccine certificates Some New Zealand businesses say they won’t be asking for customers to present COVID-19 vaccine certificates when the traffic light system comes into effect. On Friday, New Zealand will move to a new system of […]
It’s never been about public health, it’s always been about public control. The Beast is coming.Banned video released via Bitchute. NIGHTBREED NIGHTBREED
Enter Omicron. No, that’s not the new head of the Decepticons. It’s the new strain of Covid out of South Africa that is causing a hullabaloo. By Daisy Luther All around the world, people are getting fed up with draconian measures undertaken in the name of public safety. Although we’re not […]
Have you heard the news!? Scientists have detected a ‘nu’ variant of SARS-CoV-2 that ‘may’ cause worse forms of Covid-19. Sott.netSun, 28 Nov 2021 But fear not! The WHO has advised governments to jack up “surveillance, testing and reporting” on virus transmission, limiting international travel and “recommending” ever more boosters […]
The ever-popular British mainstream health professional Dr. John Campbell applies his astute analysis to a new abstract claiming some chilling findings: “Totally massive, absolutely massive…This merits an official response” Dr. John Campbell. Does the risk of a heart attack increase from 11% up to 25%? Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines […]
Celebrate every victory and build on it, people! Here’s an encouraging update from Rebel News on the draconian punishment of activist Pastor Artur Pawlowski: ► | Help fund the fight for Pastor Artur’s civil liberties Ezra Levant shares news of a huge legal win: the Alberta Court of Appeal has […]
What you’ve got to look forward to New Zealand. Note the SIX booster shots lined up in this signage from Ireland, only two of which have been ticked so far. Welcome to your Digital Prison all those who signed up this tyranny. Your former freedoms are now a “privilege”. …and […]