SOUNDS LIKE SCIENCE FICTION, YET CHILLINGLY PLAUSIBLE! These wildfires are getting more extreme every year. Predictably “climate change” is blamed. There are many factors both human-made and natural that probably combine to play a part. But one of the wilder, yet plausible possibilities is the deliberate involvement of Directed Energy […]
Military and Defense
Let’s dissect the story behind the headlines: Wake up and smell the bull! Reading the following story from the Washington Post, I thought it to be an ideal candidate for Uncensored’s magnifying glass. Here’s some excerpts and my comments. Martin U.S. spy agencies: North Korea is working on new missiles […]
Killer robots have been a staple of TV and movies for decades, from Westworld to The Terminator series. But in the real world, killer robots are officially known as “autonomous weapons.” Heard on All Things Considered By Ari Shapiro At the Pentagon, Paul Scharre helped create the U.S. policy for […]
First it was Fitbit giving away secret military locations Now it’s Finnish competitor Polar with security issues… Andrew Liptak – The Verge – Monday, 9 July 2018 Finnish fitness company Polar has temporarily suspended Explore, its global activity map after a pair of reports from De Correspondent and Bellingcat (via ZDNet) […]
Govt’s defence strategy takes solid stance on China The government has outlined concerns about China’s “increasing confidence” and references the risks other major powers such as the US and North Korea may pose on global stability, as part of its long-term strategy for defence. The 2018 Strategic Defence Policy Statement […]
This is a MUST WATCH for Kiwis! Links for The 5th Eye Documentary: Directed by Errol Wright, Abi King-Jones AOTEAROA This densely packed doco from the directors of Operation 8 questions the price of New Zealand’s involvement in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, and relates the improbable tale of its […]
After the absurd theatre of May, Rudd, Johnson, and Williamson, pretending that Putin sprayed the unwanted, low end, traded-pawn Skripal, and his daughter, with some ‘Military Grade’ nonsense, May announced to the world that England would not be going to The Russian World Cup. The goose who LOST the last […]
Reagan had the same catch phrase as Trump. The variation of ‘Make America Great Again’. As Whitlam in Australia had a similar slogan to Manzies’; ‘It’s Time’. There are also similarities between Trump and Whitlam in their management styles, and desires to improve the state of their nations. After the […]
Who remembers Gary McKinnon, the Aspergers-afflicted UFO buff and hacker extraordinaire who allegedly found a list of “Extra terrestrial Officers” and a secret Space Fleet? So did Trump just announce something new, or in a round about way, expose something already in existence? Perhaps the announcement of an Army controlled […]
This one smacks of psychotronic warfare! Despite China’s denials, it seems someone is using sonic weaponry against US citizens with an alert now extant across China. Perhaps there is a prosaic explanation, but what could it be that apparently singles out only US government employees in China? Here’s the MSM […]