We have been advised by US Military and Government Actors, including Lt.Gen.Kenneth McKenzie Jr., Director of The Joint Chiefs of Staff; that on 14/4/2018, a combined American, British and French military force, using air and sea platforms based in The Red Sea, The Persian Gulf, and The East Mediterranean, fired […]
Military and Defense
Was the North Korean test Site “HAARPed?” Reading between the lines of the following report, I’m led to speculate on this possibility. “Tired Mountain Syndrome”? Seriously? The timing of the report’s release, right after DKPR “agrees” to stop testing, seems suspicious. Was Kim Jong given a taste of the ability […]
Now it’s official: The alliance of the Eastern superpowers against the US gives credibility to Putin’s chest beating, But it’s China who makes or breaks him! Here’s the MSM story: Russia and China have pledged to strengthen their bilateral military and political ties as part of a strategic cooperation that […]
It’s not a secret Nazi flying saucer but it’s nearly as mysterious and possibly more sinister. Paul Seaburn Mysterious Universe April 21, 2018 Researchers have found U-3523 – the legendary high-tech German submarine rumored to have been used to sneak Nazi leaders and Nazi gold out of the country as […]
The island fortresses are built. The airfields are ready. The harbours are open. All China needs do now is move in the warships and combat jets.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un says he is suspending nuclear and missile tests starting Saturday, and that he will shut down the site where the previous six nuclear tests were conducted. The surprising announcement comes just six days before Kim is set to meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in, […]
The DOJ-FBI are caught in a reverse blackmail, of their own creation. Far from The Nunes Memo being a threat to National Security or any ongoing investigations (are they referring to The Mueller Witch Hunt?); the concern is a light shone on DOJ-FBI illegalities. ‘If they have nothing to hide, […]
What exactly was that in the night sky over Wall Township on St. Patrick’s Day? Was it a UFO, or was it something else? Jeff Wallace, 43, of Wall, would sure like to know. He was driving to pick up his stepdaughter from the Quick Chek on Belmar Boulevard that […]
Nerve Agents, Food Poisoning, and Pesticides give similar initial symptoms. Gerhard Schrader of I.G.Faben (1936) had reserached and developed; Sarin (1936) (VX) and Tabun(1938). He continued the research and developement into Organophosphates when he transferred to Bayer. Although Tabun had been used in WWI. Further development produced Soman (1944) and […]
Russian warships loaded with tanks have been spotted leaving Turkish waters headed for Syria. It comes as the world awaits Vladimir Putin’s response to airstrikes on Assad’s chemical weapons programme carried out by the US, UK and France.