While marketed as a way to “self terminate” oneself, it occurs to me that this could be used as a “mess free” death sentence device for countries that still have capital punishment. Do they take bulk orders…? Sarco assisted suicide pods come in three different styles, and allow you to […]
I received this message from Katherine at stopsmartmeters.org.nz. Please help her out with the battle against 5G. Please note that as happens all too often, time is against us! Martin Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you all well. You are receiving this message because you made a […]
“When you have hundreds of millions of people who assert that Ebola is killing people, you’re looking at faith. Blind faith in authorities who don’t deserve it.” by Jon Rappoport November 15, 2018 “I saw people die of HIV.” No. You saw people die. Doctors said they had HIV. “I […]
Please help out by signing this petition and give these people HOPE! Thanks and blessings, Martin. SUPPLIED/JESSIE MCVEAGH Tanya Filia receives vitamin C intravenously at a clinic in Whangarei. Cancer patients are forking out hundreds of dollars for vitamin C infusions they say are providing quality of life – […]
Yet another item from the Good News Department! I love being the harbinger of positive news… Thanks to Takebackyourpower and to Sarah at theConTrail for spreading the word. “sharing is caring”. After a city council attempted a silencing campaign, a UK judge has declared that the people have a right […]
Look at it this way. The kid doesn’t have to pay for drugs out of his pocket. He gets them in a shrink’s office. Insurance covers it. by Jon Rappoport October 11, 2018 His parents may be able to work a Social Security disability claim and receive $$ and […]
Very impressive presentation, a “Must Watch” video. (These guys never fail to earn my respect). https://youtu.be/3xYgcTCRt8E Edge of Wonder Published on Oct 9, 2018 Subscribed 103K Water is life. Water is power. Water has become the new oil. Sadly, it’s becoming an increasingly scarce resource across the globe through overuse […]
A new technology in which insects are used to genetically modify crops could be converted into a dangerous, and possibly illegal, bioweapon, alleges a Science Policy Forum report released today. Naturally, the organization leading the research says it’s doing nothing of the sort. by George Dvorsky, Gizmodo The report is […]
The lack of consent and consultation are my main concerns here. We all know how fast we’ve had to work on last minute submissions here in NZ. Time windows to register our views with officialdom have been ridiculously brief, and even then I suspect it’s all just tokenism. Regardless of […]
Has the world gone mad? Well, yes, apparently. The Beach Boys classic “Good Vibrations” springs to mind: Pregnant women who like the idea of playing music to their unborn babies can now do so through a brand new gadget: a vaginal speaker. https://youtu.be/Bv0YB_XnnR0 company Babypod has created a small pink […]