What could the NWO do with this tech?   https://gaming.youtube.com/game/UCWZpl0LKcx13r8_R4YQmiSgang. Who’s real and who isn’t? Scary. And this is even scarier!… 3Lateral Published on Mar 22, 2018 3Lateral applied its new Meta Human Framework© that merges volumetric capture, reconstruction and compression technology to bring to life breakthrough digital replica of […]

Was the North Korean test Site “HAARPed?” Reading between the lines of the following report, I’m led to speculate on this possibility. “Tired Mountain Syndrome”? Seriously? The timing of the report’s release, right after DKPR “agrees” to stop testing, seems suspicious. Was Kim Jong given a taste of the ability […]

Has Alexa, Amazon’s AI home assistant, inadvertently blown the whistle on state authorities? Chemtrails “left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public by government officials.” Quote Alexa AI Amazon, having acknowledged that it was a program […]
