Who remembers Gary McKinnon, the Aspergers-afflicted UFO buff and hacker extraordinaire who allegedly found a list of “Extra terrestrial Officers” and a secret Space Fleet? So did Trump just announce something new, or in a round about way, expose something already in existence? Perhaps the announcement of an Army controlled […]

The mainstream media is now admitting that the Walmart stores they claimed closed over “plumbing problems” have since been converted into detention centers. By Rachel Blevins – June 16, 2018 The Free Thought Project When citizens began to ask questions about why Walmart stores were suddenly closing in in southern […]

The world is changing. The deceivers are not amused. The Conspiracy Theory badge of honour, has become a stain on the forehead of the stupid. They wear it well. They are no longer the better informed and more intelligent, they are the exposed terminal fools. The essential pretense of the […]

Andrew Cheetham Daividicke.com I give the ultra-Zionist Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) the opportunity to say publicly that the third party or parties with the name/names censored here don’t involve them or any of their officers in any way. References to the censored name/names in terms of (Exempt – Sections 31 […]
