Unexplained Mysteries Published on Jul 19, 2018 Subscribe 354K Emergency closure at Yellowstone as a 100ft new fissure has been discovered. Recently a 100ft fissure has opened up at Yellowstone… It’s a worrying thought but what would happen if Yellowstone erupted. It would start with a number of earthquakes. These […]
…Yeah, but we’d be dead on arrival according to this report! (Anyone wanting to know an alternative plan to get to Mars faster than conventional rocket power decades ago should look up Project NERVA.) A FORMER astronaut who spent 166 days in space said NASA had the technology to travel […]
Killer robots have been a staple of TV and movies for decades, from Westworld to The Terminator series. But in the real world, killer robots are officially known as “autonomous weapons.” Heard on All Things Considered By Ari Shapiro At the Pentagon, Paul Scharre helped create the U.S. policy for […]
My suspicion is that this sarcophagus has already been opened and “sanitised” of anything potentially controversial, well before the “official” opening takes place. Martin Bright Insight Published on Jul 18, 2018 Subscribe 445K A 30-Ton Black Granite Sarcophagus recently discovered in Alexandria, Egypt is making everyone wonder what is inside….and […]
Please read my comments at the end of this item! Martin H NOTHING TO SEE HERE Max de Haldevang July 18, 2018 Russian president Vladimir Putin issued an order yesterday to end the special research status of Shikhany, the secretive town believed by British intelligence to have produced Novichok, a […]
Protection Rackets and snuffing out competition: The Stuff of gangster movies and real life Big Pharma! By Tyler Durden Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, https://youtu.be/OaAwIB9ik7Q $8 per vial in competing developed-world nations and $38,892 in the U.S. That says it all. Thanks to decades of gangster films, […]
“Tasmania is not the only place in the world where long-term, careful argument has been defeated by short-term economic advantage. When we look round, the time is rapidly approaching when natural environment, natural unspoiled vistas are sadly beginning to look like left-overs from a vanishing world. This vanishing world is […]
…But blames the Obama Administration. Well, he’s got a point. Obama was still in charge at the time! by Tyler Durden (Zerohedge) Tue, 07/17/2018 – 14:35 In an attempt to “clarify” his remarks during yesterday’s summit with Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump made a brief closed-door address to a handful of […]
Graphene is a form of carbon that could bring us bulletproof armor and space elevators, improve medicine, and make the internet run faster — some day. For the past 15 years, consumers have been hearing about this wonder material and all the ways it could change everything. Is it really […]
The Big Banks robbing hard saving Kiwis of their retirement funds? These banksters have no conscience, that’s for sure. Report from Radio NZ: Default settings on KiwiSaver funds have given $1billion to banks instead of savers and an unnecessary $70million to the taxman over the past six years, according […]