The Magnitude quoted is all over the place: 5.9; 5.3; 6.1…. ….That’s quite a range of options! Here’s some info from around the ‘net: Magnitude 5.9 earthquake hits Osaka; no tsunami warning issued ARIRANG NEWS Published on Jun 17, 2018 Kiwi caught in Japan earthquake describes ‘carnage’ A road in […]
The world is changing. The deceivers are not amused. The Conspiracy Theory badge of honour, has become a stain on the forehead of the stupid. They wear it well. They are no longer the better informed and more intelligent, they are the exposed terminal fools. The essential pretense of the […]
It’s been a while a while since I last heard Icke speak on the subject of reptoids and interdimensionals, and this is a beaut: He sums up the “big picture” nicely. In case one is inclined to think this something new or just Icke’s personal “take” on things, UFO and […]
An epileptic boy whose medicinal cannabis oil was confiscated at Heathrow is in a life-threatening condition, his mother has said. Twelve-year-old Billy Caldwell was taken by ambulance to Chelsea and Westminster Hospital on Friday after his epilepsy seizures “intensified”, according to a family statement. A batch of the […]
Great documentary. well narrated. Must watch! Disclosed TruthTV Published on May 31, 2018 Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, someone or something has warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit someone […]
MSM signals Symptoms of a Syndrome, not the reality of events. It does not have the ability to report on underlying agendas. AltMedia that postures that ability has proven incapable or unwilling. It’s imaginings and commercial realisations have destroyed its legitimacy. It produces as a matter of course based on […]
If you want to get to the source of an agenda, “follow the money”. Millions of dollars to chlorinate the Christchurch water supply, and millions more to get rid of it, and in the thick of it all an innocuous sounding organization that’s anything but impartial. And the sickening part […]
Andrew Cheetham I give the ultra-Zionist Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) the opportunity to say publicly that the third party or parties with the name/names censored here don’t involve them or any of their officers in any way. References to the censored name/names in terms of (Exempt – Sections 31 […]
Faced with toxic fluorides destroying food crops, animal and human life, and with law suits piling up, atomic scientists decided they could distract the nation by promoting fluorides as a beneficial tooth treatment… by Jon Rappoport June 11, 2018 Occasionally, I reprint this article. I wrote it some years ago, […]
I have no doubt this handshake moment will be discussed and dissected ad infinitum by the mainstream, but I’ll keep it brief for the moment. So many questions roll around in my head. Most revolve around “plots within plots” and China hiding behind the curtain of flags. Whatever this means, […]