Syria missile strikes: based on what evidence? Open letter to EU boss, Jean-Claude Juncker: yes, break up the US by Jon Rappoport May 24, 2018 “There is a line that governments cross. When they reach a certain size, and when they are exerting enough control, they turn around and tell […]
Interesting analysis well worth reading! By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States. A kinder way of putting it would be to say that the […]
Think Trump will intervene? Not with all the wealth that passes between Saudis and the US. But check the Politicofact link and exercise discernment: “Think for yourself”… Western countries are being urged to intervene in a case where 6 young school girls facing execution for acting indecently at a friends […]
And it was only a movie? From Andrew Cheetham at On May 10, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) unveiled the Urban Reconnaissance through Supervised Autonomy (URSA) program, which addresses the issues of reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition within urban environments. The primary objective of the URSA program is […]
Making sense of the MSM reporting. I’ve been watching the Mainstream Media reports today (24 May ’18) regarding the forthcoming (or not?) US/ North Korea summit. A top ranking official (Choe Son Hui) making inflammatory remarks about Pence, nuclear threats…good grief. If one goes by the screaming MSM headlines it’s […]
Excellent commentary and opinion from a renowned artist and performer (see bio and links) May 14, 2018 / Gilad Atzmon Young Palestinians protestors at the Gaza border carry signs in Hebrew: “Soldier, we are not objects, we are human beings.’ By Gilad Atzmon Zionism promised to solve the Jewish problem. […]
“An unbelievable amount of lava is erupting from fissures below Leilani Estates on the Big Island of Hawaii! More than twenty cracks are issuing red hot liquid rock, which is coursing downhill, destroying homes, cars, roads… and anything else in her path. The fissures have now joined forming a “curtain […]
Let me take you back through time. Before The Internet, before Wifi and Cellphones and Drones. Before surveillance cameras on every street corner. Before 9/11 and George Bush Senior announced the imminent arrival of the New World Order. Before Robert Lazar “outed” Area 51. . Before HAARP, underground tunnel systems […]
Some common sense and perspective. Uncensored does not promote fearmongering. However, this subject needs to be addressed. I received today an Email from one of my many contacts, relating to the Hawaii disaster and it’s implications, that was most alarmist in nature. Here’s some excerpts: “…that in the first circle, […]
Independent Media bringing a new level of truth? Jon Rappoport tells us how the MSM simply aren’t presenting the facts: by Jon Rappoport May 16, 2018 Imagine a Congressional hearing held before media cameras, with reporters all over the US and Europe ready with shocking articles about one of the […]