Wall Street sets record highs after passage of Donald Trump’s tax cuts Investors buy heavily into US shares in wake of Senate’s passage of package of big tax cuts for corporations and high earners Shares on Wall Street have hit record levels as financial markets around the world anticipate the […]
Did France ban neonicotinoids? Well, there is a ban intended to take effect in 2020, but the situation is actually a little more complicated than that. The French government promised a total ban of all neonicotinoids in France, which goes further than the earlier EU restrictions to the use of […]
From Superpower to Incompetence Paul Craig Roberts Having grown up during the second half of the 20th century, I don’t recognize my country today. I experienced life in a competent country, and now I experience life in an incompetent country. Everything is incompetent. The police are incompetent. They shoot children, […]
Here we go again. It was just yesterday I mentioned Queenie’s tax dodges and Charlie’s Climate Change Hypocrisy. Now here’s the proof that the Crown Prince of Carbon Credits is nothing but a scaremongering profiteer. I repeat what I’ve previously stated: It may not be technically illegal, but as a […]
This has always been something that angers me, so it’s about time the MSM turned their spotlight on the subject. Elite tax havens: Trillions of dollars of “dead” money sitting rotting in tax havens while millions struggle to survive. This is what’s wrong (among other things) with the United nations […]
How Public Ownership Could Revive Community Banks Crushing regulations are driving small banks to sell out to the megabanks, a consolidation process that appears to be intentional. Publicly owned banks can help avoid that trend and keep credit flowing in local economies. At his confirmation hearing in January 2017, Treasury […]
https://qz.com/1106365/chinas-19th-party-congress-speech-text-what-xi-jinping-said-on-climate-south-china-sea-taiwan-technology/ President Xi Jinping hailed a “new era” for China in his speech at a pivotal Communist Party meeting yesterday (Oct. 18), an event that also effectively marks the start of his next five years in power (at least). He actually hailed it no less than 36 times in the […]
How to Wipe Out Puerto Rico’s Debt Without Hurting Bondholders Posted on October 12, 2017 by Ellen Brown During his visit to hurricane-stricken Puerto Rico, President Donald Trump shocked the bond market when he told Geraldo Rivera of Fox News that he was going to wipe out the island’s bond debt. […]
President Donald Trump declined on Friday to explain what he meant when he described a gathering of military leaders as “the calm before the storm,” but the White House said he was not just being mischievous when he made the remark. Pressed about what he meant by Thursday’s comment, the […]
Land owned by Chinese investors soars tenfold in just a year – and they now own 14 MILLION hectares of Australian property Chinese investors own ten times more Australian land than they did last year More than 2.5%, or 14 million hectares of land, owned by Chinese interests Foreigners own […]