The NWO at work: As America continues it’s inward focus (“Make America Great Again”) financial government aid to the outside world dries up. Trump is fulfilling his election promise, plain and simple. I don’t recall him saying he would make the world at large “Great Again”, just his own turf! […]
Editor’s Comment
This blog was totally unscheduled, but was inspired by Page 64 of the latest Uncensored magazine and a strange coincidence (…or was it synchronicity?) By Martin Harris For a long time I have been researching several subjects that have begun to converge. One such subject is Elite rituals. Another involves […]
Wasn’t so long ago that China was disguising their pyramids with trees, denying their existence and barring visitation to them by explorers and archaeologists. How things have changed! Here’s two reports on a newly announced pyramid discovery: Thursday, August 23, 2018 SHAANXI, CHINA—Live Science reports that a step pyramid in […]
The Wizard is China of course. While the MSM shouts from the rooftops about Russian meddlers, China quietly influences world politics beneath the radar! This was the situation a year ago regarding Turnbull’s standing with China: “…The prime minister, who has promised tougher laws against “foreign interference” and tighter restrictions […]
Article from the Herald, February 2017. So here we are in 2018. One year later. Why the hell is our plastic still being dumped to landfill? Why the constant excuses from packaging companies and their recyclers that “China won’t take it any more”? This is just one of MANY solutions […]
On the surface, this isn’t just about Alex Jones: It’s about free Speech and censorship. The Alt Media vs the MSM. But… Maybe it IS just about Jones? Did he cross the line? Did he bite the hand that feeds him once too many times? Is this a lesson to […]
How do we define freedom? Quite a media stir this week in NZ over the visit of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. Raises the question of how we actually define “liberty” or “freedom” (American audiences, feel free to applaud on cue!). First the local council refuses this allegedly “Far Right […]
Let’s dissect the story behind the headlines: Wake up and smell the bull! Reading the following story from the Washington Post, I thought it to be an ideal candidate for Uncensored’s magnifying glass. Here’s some excerpts and my comments. Martin U.S. spy agencies: North Korea is working on new missiles […]
Sometimes I think the Alt Media is almost as bad as the MSM! Taking statements out of context and blowing them up out of all proportion in an attempt to validate a cherished belief. Whatever happened to impartial objectivity? Take this Buzz Aldrin subject for instance. Now I guess Aldrin […]
What are all these sensational Martian revelations all about? I remember that Martian meteorite a few years ago. The one with the “microfossils” embedded in it. It was found in Antarctica, and regardless of what the truth about this controversial rock may have been, I personally thought it seemed like […]