Oh, the irony…Amazon’s new facial recognition software identified 28 members of Congress as criminals. This is pretty upsetting for statists everywhere as their precious masters are being “mislabeled.” In a recent test, the ACLU scanned every Congress member’s official photo and found that 28 of them, including Republicans and Democrats […]
Forgotten history: US bankers financing US enemies—and why it is important now by Jon Rappoport August 6, 2018 In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller. Over the years, several million copies have been sold. Allen’s thesis was stark: […]
Jurors give $289 million to a man they say got cancer from Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller (CNN)San Francisco jurors just ruled that that Roundup, the most popular weedkiller in the world, gave a former school groundskeeper terminal cancer. So they awarded him $289 million in damages — mostly to punish the […]
Yes, Jeff is back, and with a vengeance. One of the most important and informative articles yet: “In recent years military strategists have shifted from nuclear to technetronic* weapons, a leap as great as that from gunpowder to atom bombs. The creation and accumulation, the ‘stock-piling’ and dispersal of […]
Article from the Herald, February 2017. So here we are in 2018. One year later. Why the hell is our plastic still being dumped to landfill? Why the constant excuses from packaging companies and their recyclers that “China won’t take it any more”? This is just one of MANY solutions […]
https://youtu.be/2P8PfBVm0i4 Icke at his finest. No holds barred, straight up front truth! David Icke Published on Aug 3, 2018
https://youtu.be/HPA-5w8AcSg The Kev Baker Show Published on Jul 31, 2018 Subscribe 89K Elana Freeland joins me in hour one of the show to talk about the strange weather & wildfires we are seeing around the world. From California to Greece, there are strange images & reports relating to the fires […]
On the surface, this isn’t just about Alex Jones: It’s about free Speech and censorship. The Alt Media vs the MSM. But… Maybe it IS just about Jones? Did he cross the line? Did he bite the hand that feeds him once too many times? Is this a lesson to […]
Doesn’t matter what you think of him. What matters is, it happened. How Alex Jones lost his info war Misinformation is fine — but hate speech isn’t By Casey Newton@CaseyNewton Aug 7, 2018, 6:00am EDT On Monday, the bottom dropped out for Alex Jones. After a series of tepid disciplinary […]