An easy to understand explanation and answers to FAQ about HAARP for Newbies and the Technically Challenged. Part One of a two part blog. by Martin Harris When coffee table discussions turn to “conspiracy theories”, there are always a “top three” that that folk want to discuss: Aliens (Roswell; Area […]
A very handy resource shows the surprising proliferation of human artificially triggered or generated earthquakes around the world. While you will not find anything as controversial as HAARP or Scalar Weapons mentioned here, there are a surprising number listed as having been caused by “research”! (Sure hope my research isn’t […]
Brings back memories of the attempts to introduce Fracking in Canterbury NZ right in the thick of all the quake activity in 2011. Lunacy. 26 October 2018 Operations have been suspended at the UK’s only active shale gas fracking site following an earthquake – just 11 days after it was […]
Yet another item from the Good News Department! I love being the harbinger of positive news… Thanks to Takebackyourpower and to Sarah at theConTrail for spreading the word. “sharing is caring”. After a city council attempted a silencing campaign, a UK judge has declared that the people have a right […]
This is a preliminary posting. I will add information as it becomes available Martin H
China is reportedly in the process of creating three “artificial moons” that would light up the south-western city of Chengdu, saving $240 million in annual electricity costs. 18 October 2018 China is reportedly in the process of creating an “artificial moon” that would be bright enough to replace the streetlights […]
Great expose of a sickening water control agenda. Edge OF Wonder is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the knowledge and awareness game, please support these guys and spread the word! Water is life. Water is power. Water has become the new oil. [Part one here: […]
Here’s a few samples of the insane weather battering the globe right now.,44.89,271/loc=-42.692,4.561 It’s FEROCIOUS Friday! Storm Callum brings travel chaos with flights, trains and ferries CANCELLED on Eugenie’s big day as 70mph gales and torrential rain pound UK -Storm will bring 6.3in (160mm) of rain to south Wales […]
Very impressive presentation, a “Must Watch” video. (These guys never fail to earn my respect). Edge of Wonder Published on Oct 9, 2018 Subscribed 103K Water is life. Water is power. Water has become the new oil. Sadly, it’s becoming an increasingly scarce resource across the globe through overuse […]
From the Too Good To Be True Department: by Martin Harris 11/10/18 After the strong opposition to the chlorination of Christchurch’s water supply (Fluoride free and formerly among the world’s purest aquifer supplies), the Christchurch City Council seems to have regrown it’s balls. In the aftermath of the earthquakes, the […]