What is Andrenochrome anyhow? According to myth, it can only be harvested from the adrenal gland of a living victim of torture. http://www.i-doser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=24940 Turns out Andrenochrome is real enough and is actually oxidised andrenaline, with purported hallucinogenic properties. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome I am currently researching this subject with a link to Crystal […]

Corporate implant Senator Richard Pan is back again with new legislation that could undermine the freedoms of Californians by limiting access to Alternative News sources. Please take a moment (literally) to voice your support for 1325 and your opposition to SB1424. The letter has been written for you… Your local […]

What could the NWO do with this tech?   https://gaming.youtube.com/game/UCWZpl0LKcx13r8_R4YQmiSgang. Who’s real and who isn’t? Scary. And this is even scarier!… 3Lateral Published on Mar 22, 2018 3Lateral applied its new Meta Human Framework© that merges volumetric capture, reconstruction and compression technology to bring to life breakthrough digital replica of […]

Was the North Korean test Site “HAARPed?” Reading between the lines of the following report, I’m led to speculate on this possibility. “Tired Mountain Syndrome”? Seriously? The timing of the report’s release, right after DKPR “agrees” to stop testing, seems suspicious. Was Kim Jong given a taste of the ability […]
